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Our mission is to capture every executive voice

Discover and analyze primary information from publicly traded companies with Onwish. Our AI-powered platform aggregates and interprets data from earnings reports, press releases, and other official communications to provide you with the most accurate and timely information.

Why did we decide to develop an executive voice tool?

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, where individuals and companies alike are becoming increasingly "IP-ized," generating more social buzz than ever before, it has become imperative to monitor and harness the power of executive voice information. This is why we created a tool that tracks and analyzes corporate communication across various channels, including social media, news, conferences, and earnings calls. By synthesizing these diverse sources, we provide a holistic view of how companies and their leaders shape public discourse and company narratives.

  1. The Rise of Personal and Corporate IP Amplifies Social Buzz:

    As individuals and companies establish their unique identities and intellectual properties, they naturally attract more attention and generate a substantial amount of social buzz. We empower our users to effectively monitor and capitalize on this phenomenon.

  2. Executive voice Moves Markets and Traction:

    Corporate communication has the potential to significantly impact market dynamics and drive traction for products, services, and brands. A single statement or announcement can sway public opinion, influence investor decisions, and shape consumer behavior. By tracking executive voice across multiple channels, we equip our users with the insights necessary to make informed decisions and proactively manage their impact on the market.

  3. Proliferation of Platforms Complicates Tracking:

    With the ever-increasing number of platforms and channels available for corporate communication, it has become increasingly challenging for organizations to monitor and consolidate their presence effectively. We streamline the process by aggregating data from various sources, providing a comprehensive view of an organization's executive voice and enabling efficient tracking and analysis.

What is our value proposition?

"Leverage AI to deliver timely, chronologically ordered, comprehensive, and authentically impactful corporate communications to the public."